Different folks worldwide enjoy smoking cigarettes and though ciggies emerged many centuries ago, they became greatly demanded only in the 20th century. Persons enjoy smoking cigarettes of diverse kinds and diverse cigarette trademarks, apparently smokers are going to smoke without regard to the ciggie price and the damage provoked by them. And here one can find definite general types of cigarettes:
Non-filter cigs - such ciggies do not contain such thing as filter and so may be burnt from either end. Without filter the kind of cigarettes comprise the degree of tar as well as nicotine 30-45% higher than the filtered ones, that's why they are the strongest cigs and thought to be even more damaging.
Filter cigs (or regular cigarettes) - are thought to be less harmful than mentioned above ones. The chief stuff ciggie filters are produced from is cellulose acetate. Its main aim is to lessen the amount of fume, little fractions and tar breathed in while smoking.
Light ciggies - are believed to have a “lighter”, less noticeable savor than typical cigs and folks imagine that such cigarettes contain much less of nicotine and tar. In fact the only difference between standard and light cigarettes consists in cigs filters - light ciggies filters are perforated with little openings that in theory diffuse tobacco smoke with some pure air.
Aromatized cigarettes - are produced by means of aromatized tobacco. They are not very common and can be located only in special shops. The aroma the kind of cigarettes come with are orange, cherry, vanilla, chocolate and clove.
Menthol ciggies - in this sort of ciggies tobacco is mixed with menthol - the mixture extracted from the oil of mint. This substance actuates cold-sensitive nerves without actual dropping in temperature and therefore it generates the feeling of chilly as well as fresh smoke. In addition menthol is believed to prohibit the excretion of nicotine and hence creates continuing feeling of “wooziness”.
Herbal cigs - such cigs do not contain tobacco and nicotine, they are produced from varied herbs and other plant substances such as lemongrass, mint and cinnamon. Theу are the best ciggies to be used as an alternative for folks that are ceasing smoking.
Cigs for women - in fact they are identical to regular ones with a little distinction in shape - these cigs are slenderer. It is thought that they accent the delicacy and are refined as cigarettes for guys are larger.
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